moments after our first son, Davin, was born in January 2013
About me
I grew up very near to where I live with my family in San Jose. I love raising my family in the area that is familiar and home to me and my husband. We have boys who were all born within three and a half years of each other. They keep me busy with sports, music, activities, and friends. To fill my soul, I sing with a local community choir one night each week and perform concerts at least three times a year. As a family, we love to travel, go on adventures to explore, venture to San Francisco to see shows, and be active outside.
I have always had a heart for parents and education. When I left teaching to stay home with my boys, I contemplated how I could merge the two. About four months after the birth of my third son, I became an accidental doula for my younger sister. It was a divine intervention showing a path for my passions. I love empowering birthing people at a time in their lives that can be filled with so many unknowns. I love to encourage people to be brave and to know they are strong and powerful when they are feeling less than that. I love to help parents find their voice to have the birth they desire and feel content in their journey. I look forward to sharing that with you.
Relevant Trainings
Birth Doula Training - DONA International - June 2018, Certified May 14, 2021
Acupressure and Ribozo Workshop - July 2018
Spinning Babies Workshop - January 2019
When Survivors Give Birth - January 2019
Comforting Touch for Doulas with Yiska Obadia - May 2019
Birth Support Coach - Birth Coach Method - September 2019 -
Certified Birth Support Coach - June 2020
Mindful Parenting Teacher Training - April - August 2022
LAMAZE Child Birth Education with Passion for Birth - November 2024, Certified January 2025
Recommended Reading
For the Birther:
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: The Complete Guide. Simkin, Whalley, Keppler, Durham, Bolding.
Giving Birth With Confidence 3rd Edition. Lothian and DeVries.
Breastfeeding Made Simple. Mohrbacher, Kendall-Tackett.
The Fourth Trimester, Kimberly Ann Johnson.
Expecting Better, Emily Oster.
Cribsheet, Emily Oster.
Nurture: A Modern Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, Early Motherhood — and Trusting Yourself and Your Body, Erica Chidi
the first forty days The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother, Heng Ou
For Partners:
The Birth Partner. Simkin.
This list is by no means complete. If you are interested in a topic, I can help you find resources.